
We hope you find this page informative and helpful to you as you get ready to participate in Hike for Hospice!


Want to illustrate Hospice Peterborough's impact with some stats? How about...


EasyPledge Tutorials:

Registering as an individual or with a team:

Creating a Participant Profile:


How to Sponsor/Support a Participant:


How to Get Creative with Virtual Fundraising: Some Ideas

  • Encourage donations through EasyPledge to minimize interactions with cash and currency
  • Challenge a family member or other team to a friendly competition (could be most KM walked by team, most funds raised, average amount raised per team member) and have a reward for the winning team
  • Find a supporter who is willing to match your pledges (up to a certain amount) and tell people their gifts will have twice the impact by being matched
  • Stay in contact with those who you are trying to get support from. Send email updates when you hit a milestone!


Day of Reflection with Sheila Bourgeois


Hajni Hos takes us for a walk around her farm, and encourages others to get out and support Hike this year!



A few teams share why they are participating in Hike for Hospice...