Pledge Your Support for Jana Lee Murray
My personal goal: $1000.00
Total raised to date: $850.00
Ten Most Recent Pledges
Karen Mann
$50.00 -
Braden Mann
$100.00 -
Joe and Muriel Georgas
$100.00 -
$50.00 -
Ruth Kuchinad
$50.00 -
Valerie Dake
$100.00 -
Amanda and Matt Stevens
$200.00 -
Jack MacDonald
$100.00 -
David Perry
I am at 85% of my goal!


This year marks my third plunge into Chemong Lake in support of the Canadian Cancer Society and BEL Rotary, but the plunge will be extra special this year as my daughter, Kara, plunges in beside me! We are making the plunge in honour of my Mom and Kara’s Nana, Mary Lou Tryan, who has been fighting a courageous battle with cancer for the past four years. Mom’s journey has not been easy, but day in and day out she continues to fight this horrible disease with determination, strength and courage. Kara and I would love if you would consider sponsoring our plunge on February 2nd to support the Canadian Cancer Society and BEL Rotary. The Canadian Cancer Society plays a critical role in ensuring Canadians, like Mom / Nana, receive the best cancer care in the world. BEL Rotary, of which Mom / Nana is a proud member, also is a cause near and dear to our family as it provides meaningful community support both locally and abroad. Thank you in advance for your support!! We hope those in the Peterborough area will come to cheer us on as we take the plunge on February 2nd!!
I am the captain of Murray Mermaids
I am proudly supporting Canadian Cancer Society as well as Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield