Welcome to the Polar Plunge for BEL Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield

Pledge Your Support for Tammy Thompson

My personal goal: $200.00
Total raised to date: $365.00

Ten Most Recent Pledges

  • Tim Thomas
  • Alyssa Welch
  • Leslie Armstrong
  • Anonymous
  • Derek Welch
  • Melanie Thompson
  • Thomas Jenkins
  • Sharon Thompson
  • Anonymous
  • Diane Garbutt

I am at 182.5% of my goal!






As a long-time supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters, I’ve witnessed firsthand the lasting impact our programs have on children in our community. The positive changes that mentorship brings are immeasurable, and it’s a cause that is close to my heart. Bel Rotary is known for its dedication to supporting the community and making a difference, which is why I have chosen to take the plunge and actively participate in this incredible initiative

I am a member of Peterborough Big Brothers Big Sisters

I am proudly supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peterborough as well as Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield


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