Pledge Your Support for Brenda Mann
My personal goal: $4000.00
Total raised to date: $5132.70
Ten Most Recent Pledges
Rena Loewen
$200.00 -
Mimi Rogers
$50.00 -
Brittany-Ann Austin
$100.00 -
John Norton
$100.00 -
Esther Barnes
I am at 128.3% of my goal!
Reaching out to help others in our community and world is why BEL Rotary and the Canadian Cancer Society (Prostate Ca research) are my choices for this new adventure! Ralph, my husband of 48 years, has metastatic prostate cancer and is currently having chemo infusions. We want the very best for him and all others with PC. I will be making a big splash to celebrate my 70th birthday along with all 10 of our immediate family, 12 years and older!
I am a member of P.P. Plungers
I am proudly supporting Canadian Cancer Society as well as Rotary Club of Bridgenorth-Ennismore-Lakefield